I’m going to step out onto the proverbial ledge and say that if you’ve had enough caffeine to consider the beverage you’re drinking to be “porn in a cup” it’s time to say when.
What the heck does that mean anyway? “Porn in a cup”? When (IF) you get through ten shots of espresso, is there some naked pic waiting for you? Or is it that after those ten shots you only hallucinate the nudie at the bottom of the cup?
And what’s the story with the age limit? Clearly this guy hasn’t met a bonafide professional java drinker. My 79 year-old, full-blooded Swede father could drink this 37 year-old douche under the table with hardly an effort…at 11:00pm…with a tennis game scheduled for 7:00 the next morning...that he’d be a half-hour early for...(Okay, that last part is a lie. My father will be late for his own funeral, but that has nothing to do with the coffee he drank the night before and everything to do with his apparent need to be perpetually late everywhere he goes.)
Here’s the thing. I’m not against espresso porn. *holds up right hand, placing left hand on pile* I swear on a stack of happy, wrestling puppies. (Hey, I say whatever floats your cup.) But while I like my coffee as much as my Swedish heritage dictates, I will admit a tremendous weakness when it comes to over-caffeination. Too much gives me the quivers...
Now, I get it.
Hmm. Gotta run and get to bed now so I can get up a few minutes earlier. I think I hear Alterra calling me to make a stop on the way into work tomorrow morning. Hey! I'm a scientist at heart, and any good science nerd will tell you that empirical evidence is god. Let you know how things go…
or not.