Sunday, December 31, 2017

Buh bye, 2017...

Okeedokee, 2017. I'd like to say I'm going to miss you when you're gone, but then I'd be a liar. You sucked. Big time. But the bright note is that you're almost over. The bright note is, barring any horrifying event ending in my demise, I get a bright shiny new year to start with tomorrow. Last year, I expected you to be horrible and way-too-challenging, and you were, 2017. You could have proved me wrong but you didn't. Thanks bunches for that, you jerk. So tonight, as the ball drops and I stand hand in hand with my beautiful mate, niece and nephew, I am going to kick you to the Philly curb and welcome 2018 with open arms.

Yes, 2018!! The year of wonder. The year of renewed discipline. The year of returned creativity. The year of kindness for kindness' sake. The year of refilled spirituality. The year of mended hearts and souls.

Believe me, 2017, I know better than most that it's okay to not be people's favorite. I know that the best lessons are often learned through the harshest means. I honor you for the taskmaster you've been. 

But...I'll be overjoyed when 2018 arrives. My expectations for 2018 look wildly, and most pleasantly, different. You've got a lot to live up to, 2018, that's true. But I'm not worried. I believe in you.

May everyone have a safe last day of crappy 2017 and the most glorious day one of the year of living and loving magically! Welcome, 2018, my newest best friend!

Until next time...

Sunday, December 3, 2017

A super moon?

On this full moon, after spending time with people I thought were intimate with me, I realized that they are intimate with each other--these women, and I no longer belong with them.

I am a woman without a tribe.

It's a weird and scary feeling to be that alone.

On this full moon, I'm not sure what to do other than to release what I knew myself within the context of this group and keep faith that Divine will bring me to my new tribe.

But in the meantime, I mourn.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The thing about ideas...

Sometimes they are gifted.
Most times they are stolen.
Be careful though.
The latter teaches brutally painful lessons.

Sunday, July 30, 2017


When it comes to all things Gerard Butler, Pamela Swain, aka GFW, et al, wins the cuckoo crazypants contest.

Hopefully tomorrow I have the time to tell you why.

Stay tuned...

Saturday, June 10, 2017

It was a gator...

Sometimes, when you sign up to do something, it seems like the greatest, smartest thing you could possibly do.

Then when it comes to the follow through, you realize your folly-filled thinking. Well, I was signed up for the half, but going to try to bust out a quarter marathon anyway...on a broken toe (hope they don't have to remove it)...up 25 pounds from my last one...bloated and out-of-shape from all of life's amazing, middle-aged stressors.


When I die, at least they've say, "She's got spunk!"

That, or "What an idiot!"

Potayto. Potahto.