Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Procrastination Equation...uh huh.

As Queen of All Procrastinators everywhere, I have to say that I don’t really do well in the realm of “get things done expediently”.  These days I suck at it actually.  I don’t mean to suck at it, but there it is.  Technicolor me.  The woman that can find just about anything to keep herself from doing things (reads: writing--among other things) that will propel herself forward to completion on a project (i.e.: the 52 stories I’ve started).

So when one of my real writer friends, Kelly (  in case you want to check out her work), suggested I read this book about the real reasons for procrastination, I was all for it.  I mean, I needed to do something.  Maybe if I understood my own tendencies better, I could fix those gone wrong, right? 

Naturally, I went to the bookstore that very day that she told me about it, but they didn’t have it in stock.  Yes.  Yes, I could have taken care of things right then and there when the nice lady behind the counter asked me if I wanted order it, but alas, that would have been logical.  Reasonable.  What the normal Joette does.  Not me.  Oh no.  I was going to wait because I wanted it to come straight to my house if it had to be ordered.  Besides, I had other books that I wanted whose titles I couldn’t remember (and whose subject material was a bit sketchier than what’d be comfortable to bring up with a total stranger) so I thought it better to wait.

And wait.

And wait.

When I finally got around to ordering the book, it didn’t come as fast as I’d figured.  So instead of trying to force myself forward on a few projects what I did was wait (and play on the internet, my new favorite wastetime).

And I waited.

And waited.

And waited…until eventually, my savior, aka The Procrastination Equation arrived. *the crowd cheers*

*raises right hand and places left on a squirming pile of playing puppies*

I swear I planned to start reading it the day it found its way to my front porch.  Right after I finished reading the last Harry Potter.  And one of those dragony tattooey books that I borrowed from the library and renewed…twice.  Course I haven’t finished either yet.  But it’s only because if I get my drawers cleaned out, I may have something for the Goodwill Sale at Boston Store.  Course then there’s the fact that I’ve been slacking on catching up on facebook.  Haven’t talked to a few family members in ages and should probably give a shout out.  And then there’s the garage that needs cleaning.  Yeah, there’s something to be said for a clean garage.  And a clean car.  Winter’s coming, you know.  Did anyone notice how unruly the hedges out back have become?  Hey, why the hell are you all looking at me like that?

There’s gotta be something seriously wrong with the person who puts off reading a book on procrastination.  That irony isn’t lost on me.

And yes, there must be something seriously wrong with me since I’m still procrastinating the reading of it almost two months after it was delivered to my doorstep.  Well, not exactly true.  I started reading it.  Made it through the whole first chapter two weeks after the book arrived.  Now, I am putting off reading the rest of it.  Not sure why.  It’s been good so far…

Perhaps I have a problem, you say?

The only one I can see is this:  if you’re going to be royalty, you should have some sort of castle in the middle of a vast and mighty kingdom.  Rest assured I have one.  Now all we have to do is finish the construction on it.  I mean, it’s only been 10 years since we began. 

On the other hand, I could just go back to researching housing in Florida.  I’m looking to move there...someday


  1. gosh, we really are alike, aren't we?

    I should loan you my audiobook and let you listen to it ... until it quits, ha ha. No, I did actually take care of that problem and wrote the company and they had a new book to me within a half hour of contacting them. I DID do that.

    Have I listened to the rest of it? Ummmm......

    HEY! I did buy ANOTHER book on procrastination, though, the one my friend actually had recommended before I bought the one I recommended. That one is duly sitting on top of ... um ... the box of decorative shelves on the kitchen table that I meant to get to last week ...

    Hey, I'll meet you on facebook, k?

    (ps. We WILL finish that book! Wanna race?)

  2. Ah, so, my fellow writer-types.... glad you don't put off writing your blogs. Enjoy the journey!
