Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Vagina Mooalogues

Apparently we are no longer allowed to speak of our body parts in medical terms in Michigan.

I’m going to do it here, though, at least before Wisconsin manages to outlaw it (which given our current, rich white-guy, misogynistic, majority legislature is only steps away from happening).  Ready???


Vagina, vagina, vagina. 


There.  I said it.  Multiple times ‘cause that’s just the kind of risk-taker I am.  Guess what?  No thunderous lightning bolts.  No supernova.  No Earth standing still on its axis.  The moon’s still waxing and waning.  Nothing’s turned topsy-turvy.  I did not go straight to Hell without collecting $200 (although when I get there eventually, I’m going to be in charge anyway so I hardly think that’s much of a threat).  The only thing that happened were that a few tight-assed crazies, who have hang ups with body parts that are sometimes used for coitus being mentioned at all, just had a cow.

So, in honor of their newborn calf—delivered via vagina, mind you—I shall moooo on this subject.

Saying the word “vagina”, the appropriate medical term for what is often affectionately referred to as a: twat, box, vajayjay, bajingo, bearded clam, bush, cha cha, coochie, cooter, hair pie, hoo-ha, love canal, meow-meow, muff, nanner, poonanie, poontang, privates, pussy, snatch, vag, and the ever-popular Elizabeth Regina—is apparently outlawed in the Michigan legislature because…huh.  Got me as to why. 

Maybe they have a problem with the beav?  Maybe someone is thinking Notorious G.O.D. takes issue with people speaking of their body parts utilizing solid medical terminology?  Better not say “breast” then.  Or “tibia” either. (Oooo…tiiiibiaaaaa, that sounds downright dirty naughty, doesn’t it??  *winkity wink*)

I’m guessing we don’t have to worry about God dropping the bomb for saying the word “vagina” because…well, She created vaginas.  And the inspiration to call them “vaginas”. And the inspiration to call them all the other sassy little nicknames we have for them.  You don’t bother creating something as perfect and wondrous as a vagina (right down to its little name), and then outlaw it from being discussed.  Lauded.  Celebrated even.  The idea of such insanity is just stupid.  And God isn’t stupid. 

Wanna know who is stupid?  The idiots in the Michigan legislature who decided to ban the female representative from speaking because of her audacious utterance of the totally magical word “vagina” in the middle of session.  Bad, bad representative!  How dare she use appropriate medical terminology in a discussion regarding the glorious kooka in the company of asshats with power.  *eye roll*

Representative Lisa Brown is a mighty smart cookie though.  I think she has it dead nuts (or perhaps more appropriately:  “dead testicles”).  If you aren’t allowed to say “vagina” in session, you shouldn’t be allowed to legislate anything to do with it.  Period.  *snickers*

Hey, and as long as we’re on the topic of appropriate labeling of random body parts…peeeenis.  Penis and vagina.  Vagina and penis.  There.  They’ve been said.  In the same blog.  In the same paragraph!  Twice!  Guess what, Michigan House of Representatives?  Not one damned thing happened.  Wanna know why?  'Cause God really doesn’t give two chunks of fecal matter about such things.  Only you nutjob dumbanuses in the majority making laws in Michigan care.

Well, I’m off to the gym to work my gluteus off.  Still missing me, Karyn?  I’m baaaack.

Until next moooo…