Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I am woman. Here me mooo...

You gotta love a chick with a mind of her own.  You gotta love her even more when she’s got a kickass killer body and more self esteem than a lot of women three times her 18 years have.

Zoe Smith, you’re my hero.  Seriously.

You see, I can relate to Zoe Zo Zo.  I’ve never felt limited to the lacy, sweet, stay-at-home-barefoot-and-preggers, serve-my-man type of feminine mystique.  Perhaps that’s why I’ve always been a bit intimidating to a lot of men (or so I’m told anyway).  I will tell you what I think.  I’m not afraid to be someone’s wingman in a fist fight.  I push a lot of weight in the gym myself, even at the ripe age of 46.  Course, I also embrace my inner sex kitten.  (Oh, and in the event you’re worried that I might end up a dried up, old spinster, quite early on I found myself a fearless man whose mad confidence equaled my own, and everyday we share new adventures.)

In our society post-bra burning era, all went well for a while. But what has been becoming glaringly apparent in the past few years is that we’re seeing a strange re-emergence of “anti-feminism”, a good deal of which is being perpetuated by females in particular.  If you aren’t in a slightly cleavage-bearing, knee-length dress, tasteful stilettos, a ring of Joan Cleaver pearls around your neck, hair perfectly coifed and nails all frenched out while being demure and subservient to your man, you’re somehow “unfeminine”.  That’s a mighty limited view of what it is to be a woman, that’s for sure. 

Don’t get me wrong.  I like having my nails done.  I’m not opposed to flashing some flesh.  And Lord knows of my love for a wicked set of heels.  I even let my man have the upper hand without a fight sometimes.  But it’d better be my choice to create that image of myself, not because that’s the prescribed notion of what makes me “beautifully feminine”. 

Perhaps this shifting of our concept of womanhood is what needs to be at the core of today’s neo-feminist movement.  An understanding that by the sheer nature of having a vagina (holy shit, there’s that word again!), a woman can’t help but be feminine.

True feminism should be about expanding our choices as women, accepting every fluid aspect of feminine, thus widening our perceptions about what is appropriate for us as women both collectively and, even more importantly, individually. 

It’s about empowering ourselves with all the different ways that “feminine” can look, but then even more crucially, not judging one another for those very personal choices. 

It’s about not allowing some men (and I say “some” because I know plenty of men excited about women expanding their options and positive self-defining behaviors)—and their limited, often stereotypical notions of feminine—determine how women are allowed to view ourselves. 

It’s about affording ourselves a myriad of choices that increases our self confidence and self worth, that in turn, brings our whole society up a notch.

Look, I have a wide variety of female friends.  I have those that are “June Cleavers”.  They are completely and wonderfully fulfilled in their choice to behave in the traditional role of feminine.  I support and respect that.  I also have friends whose burnt bras came from Sports Authority rather than Victoria’s Secret.  These women are every bit as magically and perfectly feminine in their choice of expressing themselves as women.  I support and respect that, too.  Then there are my family and friends who fit into every nook and cranny in between.  The empowerment of feminine self definition is a deeply personal preference that deserves to be supported and respected by everybody.

Maybe that’s the big point Ms. Smith is trying to make then?  When we open our minds to the possibility that things can look differently (yet still appropriately) from what we currently perceive as “the way to do things”, we widen our own pool of choices as women (and men, for that matter).  Those additional options redefine societal norms of “feminine”.  Diversity means more shades of normal.  Now, how in the world can having more normalcy be wrong?

On the other hand, Zoe Smith may simply have been saying, “I like lifting heavy shit.  You don’t like it?  Cram it, fucko.  Because there are plenty of open-minded folks that do.”  And that’s simply the kind of attitude that makes me love her more.

Yeah, this feminist will be watching the Olympics this year, but not just for the gymnastics, swim and track events.  I’ll be watching to cheer on my new hero.  You go, Zoe!  Lift that heavy shift for me, for women, and for more ways to embrace femininity!  You rock!

Till we mooooo again…

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Vagina Mooalogues

Apparently we are no longer allowed to speak of our body parts in medical terms in Michigan.

I’m going to do it here, though, at least before Wisconsin manages to outlaw it (which given our current, rich white-guy, misogynistic, majority legislature is only steps away from happening).  Ready???


Vagina, vagina, vagina. 


There.  I said it.  Multiple times ‘cause that’s just the kind of risk-taker I am.  Guess what?  No thunderous lightning bolts.  No supernova.  No Earth standing still on its axis.  The moon’s still waxing and waning.  Nothing’s turned topsy-turvy.  I did not go straight to Hell without collecting $200 (although when I get there eventually, I’m going to be in charge anyway so I hardly think that’s much of a threat).  The only thing that happened were that a few tight-assed crazies, who have hang ups with body parts that are sometimes used for coitus being mentioned at all, just had a cow.

So, in honor of their newborn calf—delivered via vagina, mind you—I shall moooo on this subject.

Saying the word “vagina”, the appropriate medical term for what is often affectionately referred to as a: twat, box, vajayjay, bajingo, bearded clam, bush, cha cha, coochie, cooter, hair pie, hoo-ha, love canal, meow-meow, muff, nanner, poonanie, poontang, privates, pussy, snatch, vag, and the ever-popular Elizabeth Regina—is apparently outlawed in the Michigan legislature because…huh.  Got me as to why. 

Maybe they have a problem with the beav?  Maybe someone is thinking Notorious G.O.D. takes issue with people speaking of their body parts utilizing solid medical terminology?  Better not say “breast” then.  Or “tibia” either. (Oooo…tiiiibiaaaaa, that sounds downright dirty naughty, doesn’t it??  *winkity wink*)

I’m guessing we don’t have to worry about God dropping the bomb for saying the word “vagina” because…well, She created vaginas.  And the inspiration to call them “vaginas”. And the inspiration to call them all the other sassy little nicknames we have for them.  You don’t bother creating something as perfect and wondrous as a vagina (right down to its little name), and then outlaw it from being discussed.  Lauded.  Celebrated even.  The idea of such insanity is just stupid.  And God isn’t stupid. 

Wanna know who is stupid?  The idiots in the Michigan legislature who decided to ban the female representative from speaking because of her audacious utterance of the totally magical word “vagina” in the middle of session.  Bad, bad representative!  How dare she use appropriate medical terminology in a discussion regarding the glorious kooka in the company of asshats with power.  *eye roll*

Representative Lisa Brown is a mighty smart cookie though.  I think she has it dead nuts (or perhaps more appropriately:  “dead testicles”).  If you aren’t allowed to say “vagina” in session, you shouldn’t be allowed to legislate anything to do with it.  Period.  *snickers*

Hey, and as long as we’re on the topic of appropriate labeling of random body parts…peeeenis.  Penis and vagina.  Vagina and penis.  There.  They’ve been said.  In the same blog.  In the same paragraph!  Twice!  Guess what, Michigan House of Representatives?  Not one damned thing happened.  Wanna know why?  'Cause God really doesn’t give two chunks of fecal matter about such things.  Only you nutjob dumbanuses in the majority making laws in Michigan care.

Well, I’m off to the gym to work my gluteus off.  Still missing me, Karyn?  I’m baaaack.

Until next moooo…

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just Call Me Nike...

They say that goals are best met when shared with others.  Maybe that’s why we do the whole New Year’s resolution bit?  I don’t know.  Personally, telling people what I planned to do hasn’t really been working for me the past ten years or so.


…in an effort to start living in a space of greater integrity and authenticity, and to try to figure out something that will actually work better for me, here is my list of Non-Resolutions for the Year 2012:

I won’t tell you that this is the year I finally start drinking less booze, exercising more, and treating my body to the right foods.  I won’t say I will do yoga daily or get myself back into training for the sports I enjoy.  That this year I will lose that last 30 pounds or that sometime this year I will make peace with the fishies and stop eating them, too…nope, that’s not coming out of my mouth.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I plan to reconnect, strengthen and enjoy the relationships with people I most respect and enjoy.  I won’t additionally state that I plan to forge new friendships with people who have common interests.

I won’t tell you that this is the year I will try to be more positive and happy, even if I’m not entirely feeling it.  I’m not going to say that I’ll try to look for the best in situations and people instead of finding flaws.  Glass half full not half empty.

I won’t tell you that this is the year I’m going to brush off the dust of my usable Spanish and strengthen my ASL.  That I will take Swedish (because I’ve always wanted to learn it).  I am surely not going to say that I plan to create a bigger and better English vocabulary by reading and by studying words more often.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I write my first novel, my first non-fiction work, and/or a series of short stories.  I won’t add that I will actively try to find a place willing to publish my works and if no one will, that I will do it myself.  That I will engage my creative side by re-engaging long lost musical talent and newly found artistic tendencies.  That I will blog more regularly.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I begin some volunteer work with an agency that helps animals and/or the environment.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I plan to clear out the clutter in my house, my work, my relationships, and my life in general.  That I will only keep what truly works for me.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I’ll start making an effort to make my world and yours a better place for all of us to live.

I won’t.

I won’t because this is the year that I’m going to shut up and just do it.

Happy New Year everyone!  2012 is looking great so far…