Monday, March 14, 2011

A New, Better Prayer

Okay, sometimes when you ask for trouble, you actually get it.  I stupidly forgot about that.  So before we move on to anything else, please call off the smiting, Goddess.  Call. It. Off.  Please?

Here’s the thing…I’m not overly afraid of death (You know that, for the most part, my spirit has never fully integrated in this body anyway) although I guess given the choice, I would prefer to not kick the bucket and give up this human form yet.  What I do know is that I don’t want to see others—innocent or no—be taken out.  So in this whole smiting request thingy, well, somewhere along the line, a few well-worded thoughts from others got me considering things differently.  (Thank you to those with better, kinder, more loving ideas.)  I managed to figure some things out about fear and love.  And smiting, while it seemed like a really good idea at the time, is not such a good idea after all.  That original request for planetary death and destruction?  Yeah, cancel that, please.

Instead, I have a better idea.  A way better idea.  I few small favors that I am sure You won’t mind fulfilling:

Favor number one:  If I am only allowed one request, this is the one I’m most looking to fulfill, okay?  Please, stop the nuclear problems that the Japanese are dealing with right now.  Actually, stop all of the problems they are experiencing.  Please.  The huge earthquake was bad; the ginormous tsunami was horrible.  The continued barrage on this area of the world is over the top.  These people have suffered enough.  Too much, actually.  So if You wouldn’t mind getting those powerful Hands in there, please, stop the issues, particularly the nuclear ones.  Save these people, please.

Favor number two:  Please inspire us human beings to start interacting with each other and our world from a state of love and empathy.  Allow us to see the world from each others’ spaces.  Allow us to release our own victimhood so that we can stop feeling sorry for ourselves, which always results in the attempts to undermine each other.  Let us feel sincere and complete gratitude.  Help us to work together.  Show us that polarization serves no one and that the only way peace can happen is if we all compromise, that there is no weakness in negotiation.  Help us to see that we all gain if we pull each other up and give instead of ripping away from the other—whether we're talking the material, emotional or spiritual.  Bring those who suffer from greed to a new understanding about their wealth; help those with everything realize that their wealth has immense responsibility.  Forgive those who just don’t seem to get that and bring them to the fullest understanding.  Allow us all to see our hypocrisies, but even more, to strive for complete authenticity.  In essence, help us to realize our fullest potential, and to be grateful for it.

Favor number three:  Please continue to love, support and forgive us.  We need Your positive Divine influence, in whatever way it’s best seen by each and every person (even to those who don’t know You—they see Your magic; they just label it differently).  Allow us to see our mistakes clearly.  Inspire us to be better humans.  Allow Your hand to guide this “art project” with more involvement.  (But feel free to let us think it's our idea.  You know how we humans love to think we're the ones in control.)

Okay, I think that does it for now.  I’ll let You know if I think of anything else.  Remember, it’d be really great if You’d be a good Sport and put the kibosh on the smiting thing.  Especially the Japan issue.  We need You to step in on that and stop it super-stat, please.  (I don’t mean to sound pushy-You know how I get, but things are getting to a point where very bad things are happening.  Seriously.)

And please, remember, I am just a stupid human like everyone else.  It may have taken me some time, but I see the error in the thought process of that original request.  *raises right hand and puts left on a wrestling puppy pile* I promise to try to be a better person and to make a stronger effort to have a positive affect on the world around me.  Maybe I’m not deserving, but hopefully You’ll see me worthy enough of forgiveness of my ignorance and arrogance anyway.

Oh, and Lady?  Thank You in advance...

1 comment:

  1. Since I read and commented on your last blog I feel I should follow up and say this one is is much more hopeful and forgiving. I commend you for analyzing your thoughts and words and considering a new approach. That is often difficult to do.

    I think we are worthy of both hope and forgiveness. Our God is a forgiving one and I believe truly wishes for us not to condemn ourselves or others but to do better and be better. It is a constant quest for us all.

    I agree that considering the turmoil in this world, now is a good time for us all to focus outward; not only on what pleases us personally. Somehow that concept has clearly become obsolete.

    The world, nor the people in it, will ever be perfect and we will never have all things we what we want in life.

    You hit the nail on the head when you said,
    "Help us to see that we all gain if we pull each other up and give instead of ripping away from the other—whether we're talking the material, emotional or spiritual. "
    We see far too much of the latter and too little of the former.

    May we all be wise enough to see and acknowledge when we are serving ourselves at the cost of others before it is too late.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for the opportunity to share mine.
