Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just Call Me Nike...

They say that goals are best met when shared with others.  Maybe that’s why we do the whole New Year’s resolution bit?  I don’t know.  Personally, telling people what I planned to do hasn’t really been working for me the past ten years or so.


…in an effort to start living in a space of greater integrity and authenticity, and to try to figure out something that will actually work better for me, here is my list of Non-Resolutions for the Year 2012:

I won’t tell you that this is the year I finally start drinking less booze, exercising more, and treating my body to the right foods.  I won’t say I will do yoga daily or get myself back into training for the sports I enjoy.  That this year I will lose that last 30 pounds or that sometime this year I will make peace with the fishies and stop eating them, too…nope, that’s not coming out of my mouth.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I plan to reconnect, strengthen and enjoy the relationships with people I most respect and enjoy.  I won’t additionally state that I plan to forge new friendships with people who have common interests.

I won’t tell you that this is the year I will try to be more positive and happy, even if I’m not entirely feeling it.  I’m not going to say that I’ll try to look for the best in situations and people instead of finding flaws.  Glass half full not half empty.

I won’t tell you that this is the year I’m going to brush off the dust of my usable Spanish and strengthen my ASL.  That I will take Swedish (because I’ve always wanted to learn it).  I am surely not going to say that I plan to create a bigger and better English vocabulary by reading and by studying words more often.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I write my first novel, my first non-fiction work, and/or a series of short stories.  I won’t add that I will actively try to find a place willing to publish my works and if no one will, that I will do it myself.  That I will engage my creative side by re-engaging long lost musical talent and newly found artistic tendencies.  That I will blog more regularly.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I begin some volunteer work with an agency that helps animals and/or the environment.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I plan to clear out the clutter in my house, my work, my relationships, and my life in general.  That I will only keep what truly works for me.

I won’t tell you that this is the year that I’ll start making an effort to make my world and yours a better place for all of us to live.

I won’t.

I won’t because this is the year that I’m going to shut up and just do it.

Happy New Year everyone!  2012 is looking great so far…

1 comment:

  1. And because you won't tell us any of that it will be wonderful to watch it unfold. Every accomplishment will be a gift and not a chore. Know that you are loved, just the way you are.
